Friday, June 29, 2012

The Top Ten Lessons I Learned from the 2012 Air Race Classic…..

1.      Eclipse Gum doesn’t melt in 116 degree temperatures but you might if you sit by the pool for more than 30 minutes.

2.      I now know what a cake feels like baking in the oven after experiencing 116 degree temps in AZ.

3.      Cattle pens in TX smell like cattle pens regardless if you are flying directly over them on final approach into Hereford or if you are cruising above them at 7,000 ft.  

4.      Toto we are stuck in Kanas and the people are just absolutely awesome. 

5.      Always respect Mother Nature regardless if you are flying or on the ground.  She will always win. 

6.      The Great Lakes were named appropriately.  They are just so beautiful flying over, next to or around them. 

7.      Sault St. Marie (aka – Chippewa County Airport) is very close to Canadian airspace.  Having a friend who is flying the race and is a retired Philly air traffic controller has its advantages.   It was nice being cleared into Canadian airspace without having to ask.   

8.      Having a GREAT mechanic that works on the airplane you are flying in the ARC is priceless.  We had that in 2010 and again in 2012.  Thanks Kent!!!!!

9.      Flying with your friends in the ARC is amazing.   Meeting new friends because of the ARC is amazing.  Being teased about your East coast accent by the Wisconsin & Minnesota girls was strange.  Eh……

10.   Having an aircraft owner who hands over his plane to two crazy women trying to race the ARC is beyond my comprehension.  Without Tom Smith giving us the plane we wouldn’t have been able to fly this incredible race and experience the things we did.  Tom & Bobbe you are the best and we will be forever in debt to your amazing kindness.  

I just wanted to thank all of you that followed us so closely during our two week aviation camp.  It was a view of our beautiful country that cannot be experienced in any other way than a small plane. During those two weeks we were flying in the plane for 45.5hrs.    Just to give you a better prospective….we flew those 45.5hrs. in only 8 days.   

Thanks for your support!!!!!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Heritage Field Photos....

Here is a picture of us with Tom and 86XP on June 11th as we were ready to leave for AZ.

Here is our victory celebration with Tom.  I am not sure if he is celebrating because we finished the race or if his beloved plane and keys were back in his possession. 

Happy Dance Celebration......

Here is the group shot with Bobbe, Ethel, myself and Tom.   He is so happy to have his plane back. 

America the Beautiful......

Here is a collection of photos that might be in previous blogs but is a great sampling of how beautiful our country is.

Eastern PA 99s @ Sporty's

Here are the Eastern PA 99s in front of Sporty's.  Linda is the one taking the picture.  

Again Linda took this picture and the group is in the operservation tower at Sporty's.  Somehow we all moved into position and Linda was able to get us all.  Mary, me, Charrisa, Ethel, Alison, Elaine and Charrisa's husband Ady is in the back.  It has a great view of the runway and pattern.  Charrisa will run up here and watch / talk to her students who are soloing for their first time. 

This is part of the fireworks display that Sporty's put on Saturday night.  

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Banquet Photos....

This is Linda & Alison at the awards banquet.

Here is a shot of Mary & Alison....

These are friends Tracy & Sandi....

More Pictures....

This is a scenic view of the Ohio River from our friends Charrisa & Ady's house. 

Ady bought me an ice cream birthday cake.  It was chocolate raspberry!!!  Yummy......

We enjoyed a lovely lunch at Charrisa's & Ady's.  Here is a picture of the group on the patio. 

This is the Eastern PA 99s picture.  Charissa might live in OH but she is still part of our chapter. 

Approaching CIU

This is what it was like flying into Sault St Marie.  We are suppose to do a relatively straight in approach over the timing line but because of the rain shower we were unable to do that.